Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to use medical cannabis?
To qualify, a patient needs to be diagnosed by a physician as having one of the following debilitating medical conditions that is specifically identified in the law: cancer, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity, epilepsy, cachexia, wasting syndrome, Crohn's disease or post-traumatic stress disorder. Patients also have to be at least 18 years of age and be a resident of Connecticut. An inmate confined in a correctional institution or facility under the supervision of the Department of Correction will not qualify, regardless of their medical condition.
Who grows the cannabis?
Only producers licensed by the Department of Consumer Protection will be authorized under the bill to cultivate marijuana. At any one time, the number of licensed producers will have to be at least three and not more than 10. The Department of Consumer Protection will establish regulations setting out the qualifications for licensed producers. Among other things, any person seeking to be licensed as a producer will have to demonstrate they have the financial capacity to build and operate a secure indoor facility that could grow pharmaceutical-grade marijuana and the ability to maintain adequate controls to prevent the diversion, theft or loss of the marijuana in their facility.
What about other medical conditions for which patients could benefit from medical cannabis?
An eight-member Board of Physicians will be established by the Department of Consumer Protection, consisting of physicians or surgeons who are board-certified in one of the following specialties: neurology, pain medicine, pain management, medical oncology, psychiatry, infectious disease, family medicine or gynecology. The board will recommend to the Department of Consumer Protection additional medical conditions, medical treatments, or diseases to be added to the list of medical conditions that qualify for the palliative use of marijuana. To be added as a qualifying condition, such recommendations will have to be approved by the Department and implemented by the adoption of a regulation.
What will a physician have to do to certify the use of medical marijuana for a patient?
Physicians will not “prescribe” cannabis in the same way other medications are prescribed to patients. Rather, the Department of Consumer Protection will develop a form that a physician may use to issue a written certification that a particular patient has been diagnosed with a disease that makes the patient eligible for the palliative use of marijuana and, based on a medically reasonable assessment of the patient's medical history and medical condition, the potential benefits to the patient from the palliative use of marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks. This assessment will have to be made in the course of a bona fide physician-patient relationship. In addition, the physician will have to explain the potential risks and benefits of palliative marijuana use to the patient or their legal guardian.
Will patients be able to use medical cannabis anywhere?
No. The law prohibits ingesting cannabis in a bus, a school bus or any moving vehicle; in the workplace; on any school grounds or any public or private school, dormitory, college or university property; in any public place; or in the presence of anyone under 18. It also prohibits any use of palliative marijuana that endangers the health or well-being of another person, other than the patient or primary caregiver.
How much cannabis can a patient have on hand?
No more than a one-month supply. The Department of Consumer Protection will adopt regulations setting forth a protocol for determining what constitutes an adequate supply to ensure the uninterrupted availability of medical cannabis for a one-month period.
Can I use the application form currently available from the Department of Consumer Protection for a Manufacturer or Wholesaler of Drugs, Cosmetics or Medical Devices to apply to be a producer or dispensary of medical marijuana?
No. The appropriate application forms are not available at this time.
Can an employer decide not to hire someone or decide to fire, or otherwise penalize or threaten that person, solely because the person is qualified to use medical marijuana?
No. An employer, however, may prohibit the use of intoxicating substances during work hours or discipline an employee for being intoxicated while at work.
Can a landlord refuse to rent to someone or take action against a tenant solely because the tenant is qualified to use medical marijuana?
Can a school refuse to enroll someone solely because the person is qualified to use medical marijuana?
Does the law require health insurers to cover medical marijuana?
No. The law explicitly says it does not.
Will every pharmacy in the state dispense medical marijuana?
No, pharmacies will not be licensed to dispense marijuana; only licensed pharmacists will be able to obtain a dispensary license from the Department of Consumer Protection.